Business as Mission (often referred to as BAM) companies are for-profit commercial enterprises that seek to do economic, social, and spiritual good in a community. BAM companies often operate cross-culturally, strategically placed to reach people in countries that are closed to the gospel.
“BAM is not solely oriented toward evangelism or discipleship; it is holistic – reaching the whole needs of the whole of humanity everywhere.”[1] The 2004 Lausanne Working Group 30 on Business as Mission was composed of sixty-eight BAM activists from twenty-eight countries. In the paper that was written, the result of a week of discussion, they say that BAM originates from the theological premise that Christians are called to love and serve God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, as well as to love and serve their neighbours.[2] “Business as Mission is based on the principle of holistic mission. BAM’s ultimate bottom line is ad majorem Dei gloriam – ‘for the greater glory of God.’”[3]
Business as Mission started when Christians saw that missionaries were getting evicted from closed countries, but business people were welcomed into those nations. Christian business people started to establish real, for-profit businesses in those countries, adding value to the society while building trust and credibility to share the gospel.[4]
"BAM is broadly defined as a for-profit commercial business venture Christ led, intentionally devoted to being used as an instrument of God’s mission (missio Dei) to the world, and is operated in a cross-cultural environment, either domestic or international."[5] While the growing corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement emphasizes a “triple bottom-line” impact of financial, social, and environmental outcomes, BAM affirms all this but includes a 4th bottom line. This bottom line is a spiritual outcome, intentionally honouring Christ and seeing Him transform lives through business. “BAM is CSR+… where the + can be seen as a cross – putting everything under the Lordship of Christ.”[6]
Do you know any Business as Mission ventures?
Do you know any Business as Mission ventures?
[1] Johnson, Neal, Business as Mission. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2010), 22.
[2] Matt 22:34-40; Luke 10:27
[3] Adapted from “Business as Mission,” Lausanne Occasional Paper No.59, Sep29-Oct5, 2004, in The Lausanne Movement, <
Lausanne_Occasional_Paper_on_Business_as_Mission.pdf >.
Lausanne_Occasional_Paper_on_Business_as_Mission.pdf >.
[4] Johnson, Neal, 32.