Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My paper: Rethinking Business to Honor God and Change the World

Over the last two months, I've been working on this paper on what it means to do business to honor God and how business can change the world. This paper is a work in progress, and I hope to continue editing it. I would love to hear your feedback, comments, and suggestions. Please email me or leave a comment on the blog. Thank you.

Rethinking Business to Honor God and Change the World


  1. Zion (from Facebook):
    Good read. Do you want to mention Occupy Wall Street? Or maybe what a society with God-honouring businesses might look like? Any examples in history?

  2. thanks for the note Zion. great idea to talk about Occupy Wall Street. i haven't been following this very much, but what would you say that people are protesting against? getting rich?

  3. Zion (from Facebook):
    Their main slogan seems to be "We are the 99%". I think they want the 1% to be taxed more. One weakness of the movement is there is no unified message -- people are "protesting" because they are discontented, and they're trying to hold meetings to decide what their message is. Kind of like democracy, except completely ignoring our existing democratic system of government. Unlike our system of responsible government, these protesters are not held accountable for their words because they are in the anonymity of big groups. Different messages: "Capitalism is dying. Need socialism", "Corporations have too much influence", "Governments help corporations more than people", "We consumers buy stuff we don't need because marketing is too good", "We are in debt, unemployed, and something needs to change", "People are greedy. People are evil", "Save the environment". At least it's peaceful.

  4. wow, very interesting. it's like discontent people getting together and airing out everything they are discontent with.

  5. Ryan:
    I thought the different ways you could do business was great. I was hoping you would choose an "ideal" way. And maybe go into gifting a bit more - gifting as in...how to know if you're gifts should be directed to the marketplace maybe. Like mention more about discerning what a persons gifts are and how they can offer them in the marketplace. I really liked the part where you talked about how the new missions field is in the business world and the marketplace.
